Husband: Where were you? It’s time for dinner.
6-year-old: I was getting my brother.
Husband: But your brother got in here five minutes ago. What were you doing for the other five minutes?
6-year-old: Staring at this girl.
Husband: Well.

Me: What did you do in school today?
5-year-old: My teacher went to Lulu’s to get some ice cream.
Me: Who was watching you?
5-year-old: One of my friend’s moms.
6-year-old: Yeah. All the teachers went for ice cream.
Me, to 6-year-old: Who watched you?
6-year-old: No one watched me. I was too fast.

8-year-old: Mama, I just wiped my nose, and a booger came off on my finger.
Me: Well, wait until you have a tissue to get rid of it.
8-year-old: Oh, it’s OK. I just dropped it in my backpack.


Me: Hang on. Let me get some forks.
6-year-old: Hey! I thought we always ate with our hands!
6-year-old: Well, not always. Just with Daddy.


Husband: What’s wrong, buddy?
Husband: Are you sad?
Husband: Mad?
Husband: Confused?
6-year-old: Try to make yourself a statue.


6-year-old, talking to his brother in the back seat: One time in Odyssey, I learned that God knows everything we’re going to do before we do it.
5-year-old: Yeah. He knows when we’re going to hit.
6-year-old: And when we’re going to draw on the couch.