Me: What’s something cool that happened at school today?
5-year-old: I found three ladybugs on the playground today.
Me: You did?
5-year-old: Yeah. I put them in my lunch box.

4-year-old: I found a ladybug.
Me: Well, please don’t bring bugs in the car.
4-year-old: It’s not a bug, it’s a ladybug.
Me: I’m not going to argue. But a ladybug has the word bug in it. Therefore, it is a bug.
4-year-old: No it’s not.
Me: Yes it is.

Me: Don’t go inside yet. We need to get an Easter picture of all of you. Then we’ll have lunch.
9-year-old: I want to take the picture after I eat, because I don’t want to look grim in my picture because I haven’t eaten.

Husband: Why are you naked?
6-year-old: I accidentally pooped in my underwear when I tried to toot.
Husband: Sometimes that happens.

4-year-old #1: Look at my crack

4-year-old #2: Ewww! Yuck!

4-year-old #1: hehehehe
4-year-old #2: Wanna see my crack when I get in bed?