In honor of my 14th anniversary with my husband, I’m sharing some haikus I’ve written about him.

Because, after 14 years, he’s still the one I’d choose. (I love you, Ben.)

Husband, Exhibit A

He loves listening
to Christmas music year round.
Our house is merry.

Husband, Exhibit B

He listens, comforts,
believes, helps, loves, gives. He is
my favorite friend.

Husband, Exhibit C

One look in his eyes
one touch of his hand and I
am pulled back to life.

Husband, a Love Letter to My

A long hug from you
is all I need for the world
to feel right again.

Husband, a Spicy Letter to My

Who is this stealing
into my mind, looking fine?
I see it is you.

These are excerpts from Life: A Definition of Terms, a book of haiku poetry. For more of Rachel’s poems, visit her Reader Library page, where you can get a couple of volumes for free.